The white feathered bird has long legs and lives in trees
They come in large, medium, and small species; the small species remain small when they become adults and not medium or large. It’s similar to how adult geckos don’t become tree lizards.
There’s a cute nursery rhyme: “The egret falls and finds some coin. Picks it up, buys some cake, spends the year in joy.”
Light-vented Bulbul
It is one of three urban treasures and often gather in schools, parks, and forests sitting on top of trees chirping their songs.
They’re commonly known as “white headed birds” for their primary characteristic of that white tuft of feathers on their head.
Their cries sound like “chocolate~ chocolate~” or like “jigutoujiajiu~ jigutoujiajiu~”.
Japanese White-eye
While small, their cries are crisp and pleasing to the ear; they’re also called “green flute birds”.
They’re covered in yellow and green feathers, but are known for the white ring around their eyes.
It’s one of the most commonly seen birds in the trees of this island and one of three urban treasures.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
They were once though of as pests, but in actuality they clear trees and parks of harmful pests.
They next between the roof tiles of homes, which is why they’re called “house corner birds”.
One of three urban treasures, and the origin of the phrase: “while small, sparrows still have all the internal organs”.
Taiwan Barbet
With colorful feathers, it’s also known as the Taiwan woodpecker and is the official bird of Hsinchu County.
Their cries sound like “ko ko ko…” or a monk striking a wooden fish. Their feathers are beautiful, which is why they are also called “spotted monks”.
They love to eat harmful pests and their digestive function can stimulate the sprouting of seeds; they are a transporter of seeds in forests.
Grey-faced Buzzard
This large bird of prey flies south through Taiwan in October, which is why it’s called the “national holiday bird”.
In April, it returns north and passes through Taiwan once more; we also call it the “south road hawk”.
Tomb Sweeping Day is in April, which is why it’s also called “Qingming bird” or “tomb sweeping bird”.
Crested Serpent Eagle
The large bird of prey mainly eats snake, which is why it’s also called a “serpent hawk” or “snake carver”.
The clear crown of white feathers on its head stand up when it’s angry or intimidating enemies to make it look fiercer.
This bird stands at the top of the food chain and is an indicator of an environment. Their existence signifies that the area has a healthy natural environment.
Spotted Dove
The bird is named after its’ grey feathers and the pearly spots on its’ neck.
It’s called “banga” in Taiwanese and its’ cries sound like “coo~coocoo~coo~coo”.
It is a cousin of the pigeon; domestic pigeons are called “pink birds” while these are wild pigeons.
Ruddy Kingfisher
This rare migratory bird originates from India and travels alone; their orange, violet, blue, and red feathers make them very colorful.
When resting, they constantly sway their head or tail; while flying their wings flutter quickly, darting through forests in a straight line.
When flying through forests, they look like rubies and fall easily to birds of prey; you can truly say that they’re guilty of hiding jewels!
A common bird that resides in Taiwan that is locally known as “fishing dog”, “fishing tiger”, “fishing lion”, or “fishing old man”.
They often sit on branches next to the water awaiting their prey (small fish).
Most birds nest in trees, but they next on cliffs next to water or embankment excavations .
Eurasian Magpie
This commonly seen bird that resides in Taiwan is an omnivore and eats even garbage; its’ cries sound like “jiacaw~ jiacaw~”.
They are similar to ravens but endure a different fate, probably because their name and appearance are more pleasing!
They’re known as “guest birds” in Taiwan and Kinmen, as guests from across the strait.
The ducks we breed are species bred from the mallard.
“You can’t judge a duck by it’s look” as they can fly up to speeds of 65km, making them the 5th fastest bird.
They sleep with one eye open to help them avoid danger, and they’re also experts at diving.
They have acute vision in the dark, hence their name “reaper of the night”.
Their heads can turn 180-degrees and their face can rotate until upside down.
The aborigines of Taiwan view it as a spiritual bird and a guardian that brings good news; it’s a symbol of prosperity.
Chinese Tree Frog
They love to perch atop leaves in the rain and sing.
They’re adorable “masked bandits” or “ninja turtles” and are commonly called “green monkeys” and “rain monster”.
They have “the skin of a frog and bones of a toad” so they’re naturally categorized in their own class – “tree toad class”.
Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle
They are an insect that goes through complete metamorphosis or the 4 stages of “egg, larva, pupa, and adult”.
They live longer as larva than adults, much longer.
They are white during the larva stage and eat humus soil and compost (a type of organic soil, usually formed by fallen leaves that have rotted).
Pallas’s Squirrel
They are active during twilight, extremely agile, and very quick; in Taiwanese, they are called “pengshu”.
Their bushy tails are as long as their bodies and they make the sound “kawei~ kawei~”.
Their front teeth grow continuously which is why they must eat nuts or bite hard objects to grind their teeth. They store food out of habit and often forget their hiding places; they also indirectly help plants spread their seeds.
Tree Lizard
They’re called “doding” in Taiwanese and are unique to Taiwan. They are daytime arboreal animals.
They spend half their year active, and the other half in hibernation.
They’re highly territorial and cannot tolerate others; they also do an action similar to push-ups.
Black-crowned Night Heron
This long legged bird lives in trees and is extremely smart, using bait to catch fish.
This nocturnal waterfall is active during the night and its’ cries sound like “chiu~ chiu~ chiu~”.
Parents say to their children who won’t sleep at night: “You night bird, why aren’t you asleep yet at this hour?” The night bird refers to the night heron.
Malayan Night Heron
This type of heron is famous for its’ black crown of feathers and is an exotic bird that resides in Taiwan.
They are often active at night but lately can be seen during the daytime in parks, campuses, and fields that are kept in better green conditions.
They’re called “big stupid birds” because they look funny and aren’t usually scared of humans.
Rana Guentheri
Their known as “swamp frogs” or “stone frogs” and their cries sound like a dog barking, which is why they’re also known as “dog frogs”.
They’re sensitive and shy so if they’re surprised, they “chirp~” and disappear into the water.
They are large and often caught to be sold; they’ve only slowly increased after the announcement of the ani